Retford St Saviour

Features and Fittings

Old photograph
of the east end
of the church


The Main Altar is of oak, and was given to St Saviours in 1935 by Archdeacon Coneybeare; it was originally in use at Southwell Minster. Whilst there are no written details available of any earlier altar, the Architect’s original drawing shows an altar with pulpit above, access to the pulpit being gained by stairs incorporated within the altar structure, in a manner seen in some Methodist churches. An old photograph (post 1882 but pre 1921) of the Altar and Sanctuary area shows the whole area to be completely different to that shown on the original drawing, there being a tall reredos abutting onto the east end wall of the church, the top of the centre section of the reredos was almost level with the bottom edge of the east window, the communion table appears to be completely separate from the reredos.


The present reredos was dedicated by the Bishop on 13th October 1935, and carries the following inscription:

This reredos is presented in dear memory of Julia Caroline and John Abraham Hurst Hirst of Moorgate Villa by their son and daughter

The inscription is carved into the wood base of the central cross.

Altar railAltar Rail

The altar rail of wood, and with an ‘up and over’ centre section, was given by Miss Mary Elizabeth Hartshorne in November 1903.

The Altar in the Lady Chapel was given in May 1952 by a Mr and Mrs Parkinson and Miss Scholer.


The font is hexagonal, possibly of stone (it has been painted), with a metal bowl for the water. A wooden cover with a symbolic dove was made and fitted by the Rev Mr Moore during his incumbency. It stands near the north end of the chancel steps.

The pulpitPulpit

The wooden pulpit was given in 1877 in memory of the Rev Mr Disney. It was originally mounted on a stone pediment at the south end of the chancel steps, but was moved (without its pediment) in 1924, to the north end of these steps. The stone pediment was given to a local stonemason. The old photograph of the east end shows its original position.

Nave altarNave Altar

The Nave Altar was made by a local craftsman in 2003, and when in use is positioned just below the chancel steps. It was made and presented to the church in memory of a long serving choir member who had lived in the parish all his life.