Barnstone St Mary


Published Sources

1764 Archbishop Drummond’s Visitation Reports, in Church life in Georgian Nottinghamshire (2012)

Austin, Michael Under the heavy clouds the Church of England in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, 1911-1915 the Parochial Visitation of Edwyn Hoskyns, Bishop of Southwell (2004)

Clayton, Muriel ‘A Tapestry Map of Nottingham’, Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 38, (1934)

Dawson G, The Church Bells of Nottinghamshire Part 1 (1994) and Errata and Adenda to The Church Bells of Nottinghamshire (2009)

Godfrey, J. T. Notes on the Churches of Nottinghamshire: Hundred of Bingham (1907)

James Torres Manuscripts (c1692)

Kelly’s Trade Directory (1904)

Liber Feodorum, The Book of Fees, Part I 1198-1242 (1920)

Marchant, R. A. ‘The Restoration of Nottinghamshire Churches 1635-40’, Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 65 (1961)

Monasticon Anglicanum, edited by J Calley and others (1846), Vol 6 pt.1

Religious census of 1851 returns

Southwell Diocesan Magazine (1928, 1935)

The Nottinghamshire Domesday; Domesday Book Selections English (Alecto Historical Editions 1990)

[The] Register of Rolls of Walter Gray Archbishop of York (1872)

[The] Register of William Melton Archbishop of York 1317-1340, Volume IV (1997)

Throsby’s edition of Thoroton Antiquities of Nottinghamshire (1796)

White’s Directory of Nottinghamshire (1832, 1853, 1864, 1889)

Online Resources